Get 6 Boxes of Cereal as low as FREE after coupons at Shoprite

Get 6 Boxes of Cereal for as low as FREE!

Here’s the deal:

Honey Nut Cheerios or Trix – $1.99 (See Dollars Days ad below) — BUY 2

Chocolate Toast Crunch – $2.49 (See Dollars Days ad below) — BUY 4

cereal deal

Use the following coupons:

Paper coupons

Shoprite e-coupons

  • —And Use $1 off 2 Cheerios Shoprite e-coupon found here
  • —And Use the .75 cents off Chocolate Toast Crunch Shoprite e-coupon found here

Saving Star e-coupons (Saving Star pays you AFTER you buy an item.)

  • —And Use $1 off 2 Cheerios (any kind) SavingStar e-couponCoupon found here
  • —And Use .75 cents off Chocolate Toast Crunch Saving Star e-coupon found here

Here’s the math:

2 Honey Nut Cheerios or Trix – $1.99 = $3.98

4 Chocolate Toast Crunch – $2.49 =  $9.96

Total before coupons = $13.94

Paper coupons:

– (1) $1 off 2 Cheerios coupon

– (4) .75 cents off coupon for Chocolate Toast Crunch – Note: Depending where you live, the coupon will double to different amounts.

  • In Philly – .75 coupons double to $1
  • In Jersey – .75 coupons double to $1.50
  • In Brooklyn, your Shoprite doesn’t double coupons so this coupon comes off as .75 cents

Pre E-coupon Total:

  • In Philly – $8.95 + get $5 off your next order
  • In Jersey – $6.94 + get $5 off your next order
  • In Brooklyn – $9.95 + get $5 off your next order

E-coupons: (When the cashier hits “balance” the Shoprite e-coupons come off. E-coupons don’t double.)

-$1 off 2 Cheerios Shoprite e-coupon

– .75 cents off Chocolate Toast Crunch Shoprite e-coupon

Checkout Total:

  • In Philly – $7.20 + get $5 off your next order
  • In Jersey – $5.19 + get $5 off your next order
  • In Brooklyn – $8.20 + get $5 off your next order

Then, after you buy the items, Saving Star pays you for using their coupon

-$1 off 2 Cheerios (any kind) SavingStar e-couponCoupon found here

– .75 cents off Chocolate Toast Crunch Saving Star e-coupon found here

Final Total:

  • In Philly – $5.45 + get $5 off your next order (Like paying .45 cents for 6 boxes of cereal!)
  • In Jersey – $3.44 + get $5 off your next order (Like making $1.56  for buying 6 boxes of cereal!)
  • In Brooklyn – $6.45 + get $5 off your next order (Like paying $1.45  for 6 boxes of cereal!)

Note: Shoprite has a limit of 4 like coupons. Deal can only be done once per Shoprite card.

Oh, and after buying everything you get a coupon for a FREE Shoprite Reusable Bag. : )

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