Passover Coupons Found: Week 3 – Week of 3/22

Found the following Passover coupons in the circulars delivered this past Thursday, March 5th.

Make sure to check out my page for saving money this Passover!

What you need to know:

Manufacturer’s coupons can be used anywhere, no matter where you find them. Store coupons can ONLY be used in the store whose ad you found it in. You can use one store coupon and one manufacturer’s coupon per item. To understand how to stack coupons, please see The Savings Sandwich page.

Forgot to mention in last week’s paper – there was a coupon for $1.50 off 2 Season Sardines


MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Kedem Sparkling Grape Juice *Hot Coupon*

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Lipton Soup Mix

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Yehuda Cake Meal, Matzo Meal or Matzo Farfel *SUPER HOT Coupon*

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Yehuda Jarred Gefilte Fish

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Season Sardines


Store coupon: Free 5-lb of Matzo with $75 purchase

Store coupon: 5-lb of Matzo – $3.99

MFR coupon: Save $4 on 5-lb of Matzo (meant to be combined with the coupon above). *Hot Coupon*


MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Season Brand Sardines

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Manishewitz Macaroons *Hot Coupon*

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Manishewitz cake mix *Hot Coupon*

Store Coupon: Yahrzeit Candles – 4 for $1

Giant/Stop and Shop

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Kedem Sparkling Grape Juice *Hot Coupon*

MFR coupon: $1 off 2 Manishewitz Eggs Matxo

Store coupon: Free 5-lb of MANISHEWITZ Matzo with $50 purchase

Store coupon: Free 5-lb of AVIV or YEHUDA Matzo with $50 purchase

Store coupon: Maxwell House Coffee – $1.99 w/ $25 purchase

Store coupon: Domino Sugar -4-lb bag – $1.49 w/ $25 purchase

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