Wow! Get $40 to shop at your favorite stores!

This is amazing! You all know that I am a fan of using cash-back websites but never have I seen this large of an incentive!

When shopping online, it’s always good to use a cash-back website. These sites get paid by stores for providing the sale lead and they share a portion of their commission with you for using their links.

The cash-back website I personally use is Rakuten (formally known as Ebates). Currently, they are offering a $40 sign-up bonus when your make your first purchase of $40 (pre-tax) or more. This is in addition to cash-back at your favorite stores.

$40 of FREE MONEY!? Yes, please! This is like getting $40 worth of stuff for FREE!

Also, using my sign-up links helps support this website so thank you in advance.

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